
The board, staff and beneficiaries of JCC extend their gratitude to partners, friends and to all those who believe in, encourage and support our work and make it possible.

We remain committed to helping the Palestinian refugees as they enter their 75th year of living and suffering as refugees. The situation in Syria has added big numbers of refugees to Lebanon which greatly added to our responsibilities. All this cannot be done without the help and support of our partners and friends.


Some of our partners have been with us for many years faithfully encouraging our efforts through their support and visits. Others have joined offering the help and support we greatly need and appreciate. Our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all our supporters and partners. May we all be able to work together upholding our values and beliefs to help and serve those who need us most.


We also thank members of churches, organizations and media members who ask to visit the camps. It is their chance to witness the suffering and misery of life within the camps- home to thousands of people for the last 74 years. We are happy to show them our programs, share our successes, express our frustrations and listen to their ideas and suggestions.


We appreciate the cooperation we have with local NGOs and extend to them our thanks and gratitude.